Garret Leonard

Equine & Livestock Planning and Handling Specialist

Code 3 Associates

As a professional horseman for over 25 years, Garret Leonard brings his expertise in livestock and equine handling, education and experience to code 3 associates. For the nearly the past decade Garret acted as the equine director of the Dumb Friends League Harmony Equine Center. Located in Franktown, Colo., the 168-acre center provides relief from suffering, rehabilitation and chances for new lives to abused and neglected horses that have been removed from their owners by law enforcement agencies. As the director of programming he developed one of the top adoption programs in the country, placing of over 250 equines a year. By implementing strong policies, procedures and equine training programs, the program grew from a concept to nearly 2,000 equines in 9 years. Over the years, Garret has collaborated with industry partners and dozens of equine rescue groups across the country on policy, best practices, training, and continues his passion of changing the outlook of equines through collaboration and education. He combines bold thinking with a practical approach that focuses on proper horsemanship, stockmanship, getting the job done, turning decisions into action and delivering results.