Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes of Athens and Rome

Starting in 1932, the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome have published hundreds of titles in their series ActaRom, ActaAth, and Opuscula. The publications are devoted to classical archaeology, ancient history, art, architecture and philology. The institutes’ excavations at sites such as Acquarossa, Asine, Kalaureia, Midea, Pompeii and San Giovenale are documented in these publications, as are conferences and research projects. Have a look at some of our publications in the Combined Book Exhibit.

Backlist sale: 50-80% discount on titles published 2008-2023. Download order form here

Open access: Browse our open access publications at https://ecsi.se/category/open-access/

Contact: Julia Habetzeder, PhD, editor, [email protected]

Distributors: Issues published 2007 and earlier are distributed by Astrom Editions (https://astromeditions.com). Issues published 2008 and later are distributed by Eddy.se AB (https://ecsi.bokorder.se).

Publication series

Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome (OpAthRom)

Opuscula is published yearly by the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome. First issued in 2008, Opuscula replaces the annuals Opuscula Atheniensia (OpAth, 1953–2007), Opuscula Romana (OpRom, 1954–2007) and Opuscula Archaeologica (OpArch, 1935–1952). Opuscula is a refereed periodical, available in print and with open access six months after publication (as of 2023 the journal will be published with immediate open access). Opuscula is indexed by ERIH-PLUS, Web of Science as well as Scopus. Contributions to the Opuscula receive Digital Object Identifiers (DOI). The periodical is published with the aid of a grant from The Swedish Research Council.

Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae (ActaRom)

Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae was first published in 1932. The series is published in two formats (ActaRom-4˚, ActaRom-8˚). Well-known titles include Gösta Säflund’s Le mura di Roma repubblicana (1932), Einar Gjerstad’s Early Rome (1953–1973) and Örjan Wikander’s Roof-tiles and tile-roofs at Poggio Civitate (Murlo) (2017).

Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae (ActaAth)

Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae was first published in 1951. The series is published in two formats (ActaAth-4˚, ActaAth-8˚). Well-known titles include Arne Furumark’s Mycenaean pottery (1972–1992), Robin Hägg’s The Minoan thalassocracy (1984) and Ann-Louise Schallin’s Mycenaeans up to date (2015).

Suecoromana. Studia artis historiae Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae (Suecoromana)

Suecoromana. Studia artis historiae Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae (ISSN: 1102-7940) was first published in 1992. The series is published by the Swedish Insitute in Rome and includes monographs and collections of scholarly works, including conference volumes, within the fields of Art History.