Gerald Gerry Morgan

Retired AA Pilot
American Airlines Retired

Born at Battle Creek Michigan, a U.S. Air Force dependent (military brat), moved from Michigan to Alaska, to Michigan and then back to Alaska. Graduating high school in Alaska. I joined the U.S. Army to fly helicopters, attended Warrant Officer Rotory Wing Aviator Course (WORWAC 69-29) and graduated. A one year tour in Vietnam, flying UH-1H “Huey” helicopters for B Company 101st Aviation Battalion 101st Airborne Division. Call sign Kingsman11. After Vietnam I returned to Alaska and flew helicopters on forest fires, Bell 205, A1 (civilian UH-1) and 206 B3, L1. One year after Vietnam I was selected to attend U.S. Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training. I received a direct commission to 2Lt. through the Alaska Air National Guard. I spent one year in training flying the T-41 (Cessna 172), Cessna T-37B and Northrop T-38. Upon graduation I also attended U.S. Water Survival Training and Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training. Then back to Alaska to fly the Fairchild C-123J, which I flew for three years. As full time employment I returned to helicopter flying, Bell 204, 205A1, 206A, B3, L1, SK55Ton Forest fires, fish and game surveys, general transportation, off shore (Alaska, Gulf of Mexico and the Red Sea) and the construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Also seismic operations on land and winter offshore (north coast of Alaska). As the pipeline was completed I started applying for airlines pilot opportunities. I was hired by American Airlines Inc., where I flew as a flight engineer on Boeing 707, 727, and DC-10. Then copilot on the Boeing 727, DC-10, MD-11. Finally upgrading to Captain on the MD-80, B-727, 757/767, 777. I flew both domestic and internationally. All while also flying C-123J, HH-3E, C-130 B, E, H, with the Alaska, California Air National Guard Units (144th T.A.S., 129th A.R.R.S., 115th T.A.S.). Retiring as a Major, Command Pilot rated. I also flew several small aircraft Cessna 150, C-172, C-180/185, C-402, Merlin II/III, Aeronca Champ and Sedan (on floats), Ercoupe, J-3 Cub, Van’s RV-4, North American T-6D, C-340,